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2016 - July 10th | Open door to the Grand Organ in Mataro Basilica, Barcelona
As part of the V International Summer Organ Festival Matarto-Barcelona 'Jaume Isern', Raul Prieto will show, explain and perform for...

2016 - July 9th | The Organ on a Square - Outdoor Performance
On Saturday July 9th The Raul experience will hit the streets of Mataro (Barcelona) as part of the V International Summer Organ Festival...

2016 - July 8th | Duo MusArt in concert at V International Summer Organ Festival Mataro-Barcelona &#
On July 8th Duo MusArt will perform at the V International Summer Organ Festival Mataro-Barcelona Duo performance 9:00pm

2016 - July 5th | Concert Jean Pierre Cavaille Organ
On July 5th Raul Prieto will perform works by Frescobaldi and Clerambault at the French Classic 4 manuals organ by Jean Pierre Cavaille,...

2016 - July 4th - 17th | Masterclasses at The V International Summer Organ Festival Mataro-Barcelona
From July 4th to 17th, Raul Prieto Ramirez will be teaching masterclasses at the V International Summer Organ Festival Mataro-Barcelona...

2016 - July 3rd | Opening Concert for 3 Organs at Once
Opening Concert V International Summer Organ Festival Mataro-Barcelona, with Maria Teresa Sierra Martinez and Konstantin Volostnov. Works...

2016 - July 2nd | Open door to the Grand Organ in Mataro Basilica, Barcelona
As part of the V International Summer Organ Festival Matarto-Barcelona 'Jaume Isern', Raul Prieto will show, explain and perform for...

2016 - July 1st | Open door to the Grand Organ in Mataro Basilica, Barcelona
As part of the V International Summer Organ Festival Matarto-Barcelona 'Jaume Isern', Raul Prieto will show, explain and perform for...

2016 - June 24th | Duo MusArt in Concert, AGO National Convention, USA
As part of the biannual American Guild of Organist National Convention in Houston (USA), Duo MusArt will perform a varied program that...

2016 - May 26th | Duo MusArt in Concert, Sursa Hall, USA
As part of the Summer Chamber Music Festival in Ball State University, Duo MusArt will perform in Sursa Performance Hall, USA Duo...

2016 - May 12th - 15th | Jury Member Sursa American Organ Competition, Sursa Hall, USA
Beside Cherry Rohdes, Huw Lewis and David Higgs, Raul Prieto will be judging the semifinals and finals for the Sursa American Organ...

2016 - May 11th | Opening Concert Sursa American Organ Competition, Sursa Hall, USA
Opening Concert Sursa American Organ Competition, Sursa Performance Hall, Ball State University, USA Solo performance 7:30pm

2016 - April 24th | The Raul Experience co-inaugurate the new organ at St. Mark's Episcopal, Gle
The Raul Experience co-inaugurate the new organ at St. Mark's Episcopal, Glen Ellyn, USA Solo performance 7:00pm

2016 - April 17th | The Raul Experience inaugurate the new organ at Manchester UMC,Missouri, USA
The Raul Experience inaugurate the new organ at Manchester UMC,Missouri, USA Solo performance 7:00pm

2016 - April 10th | Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Wayne, USA
The Raul Experience hits Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Wayne, USA Solo performance 5:30pm

2016 - March 19th | Juan March Foundation, Spain
The Raul experience hits the Juan March Foundation Concert Hall in Madrid, Spain Solo performance with works by Buxtehude and Bach 12:00pm

2016 - March 18th | Juan March Foundation, Spain
The Raul experience hits the Juan March Foundation Concert Hall in Madrid, Spain Solo performance with works by Buxtehude and Bach 7:00pm

2016 - March 6th | Concert in Aviles, Spain
The Raul experience hits the Semana de Musica Religiosa de Aviles, Spain 7:00pm

2016 - March 5th | Bach Concert at Madrid Concert Hall, Spain
The Raul experience hits Madrid National Concert Hall for the Anniversary of the Grenzing organ 12:00pm

2016 - March 3rd | Bach Concert at Leon Cathedral, Spain
The Raul experience hits Leon Cathedral for a all Bach concert at the 5 manuals new Klais organ 7:00pm
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