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“Raul Prieto Ramirez is a colossally talented organist. His fearless playing and at-times brazen registrations gave his eclectic program a nervy, exciting flair so often lacking in classical recitals”

—  Joey DiGiugielmo, Washington Blade





The Artist

A life on Stage

Making a living from Concertizing

A life on Stage

Raúl makes a living exclusively from concertizing. As the only full time Municipal Organist in the world, Raúl presents 52 different programs a year just in San Diego (California). He also enjoys a busy international schedule with concerts at major Festivals and Concert Halls, jury duty at international competitions as well as Masterclasses at major Universities and Conservatoires like Indiana University, Eastman School of Music or Moscow Conservatory among others.

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Artistic Director

Changing lifes through the Power of Music

Artistic Director

Raúl is committed to make the world a better place through the power of music. Despite his busy concert career, Raúl has always time to bring new audiences to the high culture of Music, specially kids. Raúl possess a large experience developing spaces for music to thrive. Here you can explore some of them:


Sharing a Passion

Committed with the Future

Sharing a Passion

Raúl's stage presence has been defined as "fresh, energetic, passionate and contagious" Everywhere Raúl goes as organist or Artistic Director an Educational Project has always been created. His educational activities have supported school system in Spain and USA. He is also active teaching future organist privately and through numerous masterclasses for institutions like Moscow Conservatory, the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, the Universities of Indiana in Bloomington, Baylor University in Texas , Graz University in Austria among many other Festivals and a variety of Institutions.


Breaking Boundaries

A free Spirit on and off the Stage

Breaking Boundaries

Raúl is fearless when it comes to expression and art. He began his college studies in philosophy before focusing on music and possesses a wide background in many art forms. Among others, Raúl has been featured as an actor in short movies, published articles and developed flash mobs. He organized the first silent movie organ concert in Spain in 2008 in Madrid Concert Hall; created a touring electronic organ in 2005 widely used in Spain and Andorra for outdoor performances -until he got tired of it-; developed numerous educational projects and workshops. He regularly performed transcriptions in Spain under harsh criticism when those were unaccepted. Several of his own compositions have been premiered and recorded including his own concerto for organ and orchestra; he promotes composers to write and has commercially recorded new repertoire, as well as premiered numerous pieces with institutions like the Spanish National Choir; performed the first chamber concert with strings featuring Brahms Quatet N.1 and Franck Quintet in f minor transcribing the piano part for organ; the list goes one and on... and yes, he also performs Rock concerts




in conversation

Los Ángeles Philharmonic Concert Hall

Thomas Neenan - Raul Prieto Ramirez -
00:00 / 00:00

Thomas Neenan Pre-concert Interview

Spanish only

Interview by Javier Sanz

At home with Duo MusArt-Barcelona

Interview in 5 parts

At home with Duo MusArt Part 1
Part 3 At home with Duo MusArt Bedard

Interview by Ricardo Marquina

Spanish with English subtitles

Raúl Prieto, concierto en Moscú
Play Video

Nominated San Diego Civic Organist

English only

Raúl Prieto Ramírez Hired As New San Diego Civic Organist | San Diego Union-Tribune
Play Video



“A sizzling musical experience. His joyous and virtuosic performance brought the audience immediately to its feet”

Ray Cornils

Portland Civic Organist Emeritus

“Raúl played the organ with such enthusiasm, he made it talk in a way I have never heard it talk before. The footwork on the pedals and hand movements between the four manuals were like lightning”

Ron Richards

The Sentinel, UK Reporter

“His brilliant virtuosity and abundant expressive prowess remained in complete service to his musicologically informed, deeply insightful interpretations. The program was so electrifying that he earned an enthusiastic standing ovation at the intermission as well as at the end, after which the audience demanded several encores.”

Bruce B. Stevens

Concert Organist - Richmond AGO Presenter

“Ramirez is an organist of profound ability and remarkable insight who has deep understanding of what works, why it works, how to register and pace a wildly eclectic program and how to whittle down vast resources into something cohesive. With Ramirez, you never feel he’s opening every can of paint just because he can. Even the most virtuosic passages — and there were many — never felt show-off. Musicality trumps technique in his ethos. The ear seems to take in his playing with ease because you sense early on that musically you can trust him.”

Joey DiGiugielmo

Features Editor for The Washington Blade

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“Wow Raúl!!

May I say a huge THANK YOU for sharing your talent with us. Your arrangement of "Dance Macarbe" is definitely my favourite. […] I personally think that you are the best organist that I've heard. That includes Carlo Curly, Virgil Fox etc. Please release a CD or DVD of your wonderful playing; I'm sure that it would be worth every penny (or Cent!). Also it would be great to see you in the UK. I would certainly be there. Thanks again, your new fan, Richard.”

[Richard, UK]
“Dear Raúl,

I am running out of superlatives to say to you! You continue to astound me with your musical gifts. Thank you for sharing your talent and your passion for music with your fans. I just finished watching your newest videos on Youtube: Duruflé Toccata and Guilmant Sonata No. 1 Finale. You are amazing and I will follow your career until one day I can hear you play live, meet you and thank you in person. Cheers to you from Seattle!”

[William Beal, USA]
“I listened to so many famous organists... to my mind, you are playing in the same league as Olivier Latry, Nicolas Kynaston, Ben van Oosten and other well known artists. Always good luck and Thanks for great Music!”

[Dr. Klaus Meilinger, Germany]


“At such a young age, you are phenomenal. The people of Europe who have your playing at their disposal are truly very blessed. It would be an honour to be able to see and hear you live. As for your website it's great, but please add more videos and close-ups of your hands performing on the keyboard for those of us who are not fortunate enough to be at your concerts. Hope to see you play in the USA.”[Tony Edge, USA]

Raul Prieto Ramirez Concert Artist
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Raul Prieto Ramirez, 2020

Photografía: Maika Risquez, Christian Herrera - Barcelona, Robert Lang  

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